Note: This post is over 24 months old. Information may be outdated.
DATE OF NEXT MEETING: Wednesday 9th January 2018.
Actions to be Undertaken
Person responsible.
Youth issues at Ashfield park
Regular anti-social behaviour at this location, predominantly on Friday and Saturday nights and every night during school holidays. Multi agency approach to attempt to ensure there is a police or community warden presence every Friday and Saturday night.
Dunbar Community Officers
Community Wardens
Pop-up Jim’s
Jim (and Jemima) should be arriving in the near future. To be utilised as much as possible throughout the ward. Feedback from communities to be sought at next CAPP meeting
Note: This post is over 24 months old. Information may be outdated.
DATE Monday 22nd October 2018
VENUE Dunbar Police Station
DATE OF NEXT MEETING: Thursday 22nd November.
Actions to be Undertaken
Person responsible.
Speeding in 20mph trial zones
3 x speed checks to be conducted at Queens Road, Dunbar and Drylaw Terrace, East Linton. Remaining as a priority due to evidence that speeding issue remains.
Dunbar Community Officers
Youth issues at Ashfield park
Regular anti-social behaviour at this location, predominantly on Friday and Saturday nights and every night during school holidays. Multi agency approach to attempt to ensure there is a police or community warden presence every Friday and Saturday night.
Dunbar Community Officers
Community Wardens
Pop-up Jim’s
Following unanimous support for the suggestion of obtaining two Pop-up Jim’s contact the supplier, obtain costings then approach all CC’s regarding funding.
Note: This post is over 24 months old. Information may be outdated.
Come along tonight to find out or feedback on how 20mph is working near you.
7.30pm, Wednesday 12th September at Dunbar Police Station.
Gavin Ross
Dunbar and East Linton Community Officer
Lothian and Scottish Borders
Police Scotland / Poileas Alba.
Actions to be Undertaken
Person responsible.
Belhaven area
Following complaint to MSP and attendance of numerous residents at CAPP continue to monitor speed and ASB in Belhaven area and after attending on three occasion’s complete report of findings regarding road safety and ASB.
Dunbar Community Officers
Queens Road
Further complaints of speeding on A1087 between Dunbar and Broxburn, previously 60mph limit, now 30 past Avant and Robertson homes and 40 through Broxburn
Dunbar Community Officers
A1 junction by Eweford
Contact ELC regarding potholes at junction requiring repair.
Dunbar Community Officers
Belhaven area
Area given passing attention and speed gun deployed on a second occasion after the introduction of the 20mph limits; again no issues detected.
Queens Road
Competing priorities have meant we have been unable to complete this.
Note: This post is over 24 months old. Information may be outdated.
Last month Roundup
Youth issues over the summer school break:
Noticeable decrease in volume of youth related calls. When possible youth patrols being conducted.
Educational Access Fund
Linked in with DGS staff, request made regarding specific youth given invitation to activities throughout summer holidays. This was already in place and they were checking that the youths I had specified were on the list they had compiled.
Obstruction of roadway by East Linton Bridge
Linked in with Peter Forsyth at ELC, he will initially approach the owners of the Linton Hotel in order to alleviate the issues sooner rather than later, should the problem continue Peter will pursue the lineage option.
Current Policing Issues:
Complaints received about speeding and ASB at Shore Road area. Attention given to youths in cars at car park and speed check conducted, now that travellers in car park area getting further attention.
DATE OF NEXT MEETING: Wednesday 12th September 2018.
Actions to be Undertaken
Person responsible.
Belhaven area
Following complaint to MSP and attendance of numerous residents at CAPP continue to monitor speed and ASB in Belhaven area and after attending on three occasion’s complete report of findings regarding road safety and ASB.
Dunbar Community Officers
Queens Road
Further complaints of speeding on A1087 between Dunbar and Broxburn, previously 60mph limit, now 30 past Avant and Robertson homes and 40 through Broxburn
Dunbar Community Officers
A1 junction by Eweford
Contact ELC regarding potholes at junction requiring repair.
Note: This post is over 24 months old. Information may be outdated.
Last month Roundup
Beveridge Row, Belhaven:
Area assessed, volume of traffic undoubtedly increased, road between railway bridge and Eweford in very poor condition. Inappropriate speed is possible however speeding of over 30mph realistically not possible due to road layout, parked vehicles and road condition. Have not spoken with developers, their staff are entitled to use the road and as speeding unlikely no reason to speak with them.
Tyninghame speeding:
Attended with speed gun 1800-2030 on 13th June. Concentrated on A198 due to complaints of speeding motorcyclists on Wednesday evenings. Due to poor weather no motorcyclists seen, eight car drivers stopped and warned regarding their speed.
Dog fouling in East Linton:
Update from Jimmy Wilson.
Current Policing Issues:
Multiple thefts and attempt thefts in the area, attempt theft of a caravan, theft of a van, theft of caravan, fuel thefts from vehicles and multiple break ins to vans with tools stolen. CID following positive line of enquiry.
Youth issues much better in recent weeks after officers brought in to the town to deal specifically with youth issues in Dunbar and also at Bullet Hill.
DATE OF NEXT MEETING: Tuesday 19th July 2018.
Actions to be Undertaken
Person responsible.
Youth issues over the summer school break
Patrols of the known hot spots throughout the summer holidays
Dunbar Community Policing Team
ELC Community Wardens
Educational Access Fund
Link in with Dunbar Grammar School to ascertain if funds allocated to the Active Schools Coordinator by Local Area Partnership can be used for diversionary work.
Dunbar Community Policing Team
Obstruction of roadway by East Linton Bridge
Link in with East Lothian Council requesting consideration is given to yellow lines on north side of bridge in East Linton.
Note: This post is over 24 months old. Information may be outdated.
Last month Roundup
No priorities created at last meeting due to low attendance.
In relation to previous priorities a speed check was carried out for an hour yesterday at the A1087 by the Robertson homes, one ticket issued and numerous drivers warned for travelling just over the limit.
Countess Road crossing: following on from a number of complaints police, council and representative of DPS parents council are conducting a site visit tomorrow morning.
Youth issues: marked improvement in number of complaints
DATE OF NEXT MEETING: Tuesday 19th June
Actions to be Undertaken
Person responsible.
Beveridge Row, Belhaven
Complaints about speed and volume of vehicles.
Speed checks.
Link in with council, Cala and Brodie Road developers as many vehicles tradesmen from sites.
Dunbar Community Policing Team
Tyninghame speeding
Speed checks in village after introduction of 30mph limit