Note: This post is over 24 months old. Information may be outdated.

Last month Roundup

Youth issues over the summer school break:

Noticeable decrease in volume of youth related calls.  When possible youth patrols being conducted.

Educational Access Fund

Linked in with DGS staff, request made regarding specific youth given invitation to activities throughout summer holidays.  This was already in place and they were checking that the youths I had specified were on the list they had compiled.

Obstruction of roadway by East Linton Bridge

Linked in with Peter Forsyth at ELC, he will initially approach the owners of the Linton Hotel in order to alleviate the issues sooner rather than later, should the problem continue Peter will pursue the lineage option.

Current Policing Issues:

Complaints received about speeding and ASB at Shore Road area.  Attention given to youths in cars at car park and speed check conducted, now that travellers in car park area getting further attention.

DATE OF NEXT MEETING:      Wednesday 12th September 2018.


Priority Actions to be Undertaken Person responsible.
Belhaven area Following complaint to MSP and attendance of numerous residents at CAPP continue to monitor speed and ASB in Belhaven area and after attending on three occasion’s complete report of findings regarding road safety and ASB. Dunbar Community Officers
Queens Road Further complaints of speeding on A1087 between Dunbar and Broxburn, previously 60mph limit, now 30 past Avant and Robertson homes and 40 through Broxburn Dunbar Community Officers
A1 junction by Eweford Contact ELC regarding potholes at junction requiring repair. Dunbar Community Officers

Speeding up Sailor’s Bank
cc-by-sa/2.0 – © Peter Whatley – geograph.org.uk/p/904407


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