Heading Formats and Pictures

Help with using the Visual Editor is available here (opens in a new window): http://make.wordpress.org/support/user-manual/content/editors/visual-editor/

Generally we encourage simple formatting, no centering or playing with font sizes or justification.

Fun with headings

Choose your heading styles from the editor drop down when the Editor is in Visual mode, these are available ready made (in the template).

Heading 1

hello this is some para text

Heading 2

hello this is some para text

Heading 3

hello this is some para text

Heading 4

hello this is some para text

Heading 5

hello this is some para text

Heading 6

hello this is some para text


Will make your journal come to life, but remember NOT to shrink your pictures too much.

The Medium Picture
The Medium Picture
The Small Picture