How many uses for plastic milk bottles?

Well this is my first post on the Recycling diaries and thought I would start by posing a question to make folk think….how many uses can you come up with for re-using plastic milk bottles?

Yes, you could just wash em out and put them in the recycling bin but you have spend good money buying them and there are loads of ways to re-use them. Here are some of my tips..

  1. If you have a big chest freezer like I do its not always full – by filling plastic milk bottles with water and filling up the spaces you save money on electricity as you are not paying to freeze open space!
  2. By having these bottles already frozen you can just pop them in a picnic bag to keep the family’s picnics nice and cool (and then have a refreshing drink of cold water when they defrost).
  3. Again, a freezer tip – by cutting the bottles just below the handle you get a nice container – line it with a freezer bag and you can pour soup or whatever in – freeze it and when frozen remove from the container and you have nice stackable frozen meals.
  4. You can use them to make cloches to protect tender plants.
  5. They make great skittles for kids! just put some rice in the bottom (not too much!) for stability.

So thats a few ideas to start with – see what else you can come up with …

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