The composting routine

We have a small green bin (yes, that’s its colour) under the sink, where all the kitchen waste goes. When full it gets decanted into one of our two black composting bins in the garden. We’ve got two, because the one we inherited when we moved into this house seemed not to do much – in fact it turned out to house an ant colony!!!

The second one we picked up from a freecycler (in case some of you are not familiar with freecycle, it is an online group of people, divided up into regional  groups, who are giving away and/or looking for items that might otherwise end up in landfill,

Three years in this house and we have still not got back to producing the kind of excellent compost we used to produce in the old garden.

About utepenny

In Dunbar since 1989, active in DCWG since 2002, self-employed, hoarder.
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