The Community Council recently received notice from Paul Thomas, the MD for First Scotland East Ltd., on the issue of bus fare changes. These have been in operation since the start of April 2011 and you can find details on the First Group website.
As Paul Thomas explains, “We know no one likes it when fares go up and it is not a decision we take lightly – that is why we have worked to keep as many fares as possible at current levels.” He adds, “Like many businesses across the country, we are not immune to the realities of the unprecedented economic and operational environment we are currently working in. We have a duty to ensure we secure the future stability, sustainability and development of our business, which is vitally important for the local economy.
For anyone needing further information, the customer services line is 08708 72 72 71 which operated Monday to Friday, from 8am to 5pm.
“Anger at bus service cuts in East Lothian” – East Lothian News.