Locals, including sixteen and seventeen year olds are being encouraged to register to take part in the independence referendum next year.
Lothian residents will soon receive annual electoral registration forms through the post and are being encouraged to complete and return them so they can have their say at next year’s poll.
In 2014 Electors will also be able to cast their vote at the European election in May as well as the independence referendum in September.
Anyone who is aged 16 or over on 18 September 2014 will be able to vote in the referendum, so every house is also being sent a ‘young voters’ form to register their details.
People completing the registration forms are being urged to make sure the details of any 16 or 17 year olds are included.
Electoral Registration Officer Joan Hewton explains: “People are talking about the referendum with family and friends, but the only way to have your say is to vote on 18 September 2014, so make sure you’re registered to vote. Registering is quick and simple. All you have to do is update and return the registration forms with details of everyone who lives in your household and is eligible to vote; and remember to include anyone who will turn 16 by 18th September 2014. It’s straightforward, any young person who is 15 and will be 16 by the 18th September 2014 should add their details to the young person’s form and anyone 16 or over should add their details to the main household canvass form.”
For more information or if you don’t receive a form shortly contact the electoral registration office on 0131 344 2500.