
East Lothian Library Service offers audio downloads

East Lothian Council Library Service has a new audiobook offering for borrowers, providing a range of popular titles which you can listen to whenever and wherever you want.

East Lothian Library is now providing borrowing of audio books.

In order to enjoy the new service you need to create an account on the dedicated audiobook website.

Click on “Create a new account” and type in your East Lothian Council membership number. This can either be the number on your library card beginning with B, or your Smartcard number beginning with 63354.

Choose your favoured operating system (basically it’s either Windows or the Mac) and then fill out the online form with your details, e-mail address and a password of your choosing. In Preferences choose the option not to make the OneClick digital Media Manager your default player. You should then be ready to download.

If you are an Apple user the best method is to click on the Home tab and choose the link that gives you the option to download an App for your Apple device.

Whether you are using a PC or a Apple device, you’ll need to remember the Login details which you have created to download your books, and to look at them under the “My Collections” tab.

If you are a PC user the files come downloaded in a ZIP format. Save it to your PC and then double click the file to unzip it. Your operating system should allow you to do this. Once unzipped you have a bunch of MP3 files.

Arthur C Clarke's 'The Collected Stories' comes in at 200MB zipped.

These are big files so they may take a while to download. Arthur C. Clarke’s ‘The Collected Stories Volume Four’ came in at 200MB zipped and took about 8 minutes to download. However, once completed and unzipped you can either listen to them on your PC/Mac or put them on your favourite audio player or phone to listen to on the move.

It is as easy to manage your files like this as it is to download the “Clipper media player” from the website. The maximum borrowing time seems to be 21 days.

If you have any questions on the new audiobook facilities you can contact the Library Service.

Pencaitland Community Council
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East Lothian’s Library Bus service in Pencaitland

Were you aware that East Lothian’s library service includes a mobile bus? The bus visits the village every week with different destinations.

Depending on the week, you’ll find the bus in Pencaitland at the following locations and times:

Pencaitland regularly receives visits from East Lothian's Library Bus
Pencaitland regularly receives visits from East Lothian's Library Bus

WEEK 1 (Tuesday)

Limekilns 4.00 – 4.15
The Glebe 4.15 – 4.30
The Green 4.30 – 4.55
Lamberton Court 5.30 – 6.00
Queen’s Drive 6.05 – 6.30
The Cross 6.30 – 6.55
Vinefields 7.00 – 7.20

WEEK 2 (Tuesday)

Limekilns 4.00 – 4.15
The Glebe 4.15 – 4.30
The Green 4.30 – 4.55
Lamberton Court 5.30 – 6.00
Queen’s Drive 6.00 – 6.30
The Cross 6.30 – 6.55
Vinefields 7.00 – 7.20

WEEK 2 (Friday)

Vinefields 9.25 – 9.40
Pencaitland Nursery 9.45 – 10.15
The Green 10.20 – 10.45
Lamberton Court 11.00 – 11.15
The Cross 11.45 – 11.55

In addition to the stops listed above, the library service also offers a Housebound Service to those with limited mobility. Once you have given your preferences the Library Bus team will drop off and pick up books direct to your home..

Pencaitland Community Council
Follow Pencaitland Community Council on Twitter


Revised Library Opening Hours

As part of the Council’s commitment to improving services a review of libraries in the County has taken place.   This has resulted in changes to the opening hours of most libraries.   Haddington Library continues to operate the same opening hours, but changes have been made at Ormiston and Tranent.

Further information about the opening of the new library at the John Gray Centre in Haddington can be found at

The new opening hours will operate from Monday 1  August.  More details on changes to opening hours can be found here


Monday 2pm to 5pm


Wednesday 2pm to 8pm
Thursday 10am to 1pm 2pm to 5pm
Friday 2pm to 5pm
Saturday 10am to 1pm


Monday 10am to 1pm 2pm to 5pm
Tuesday 10am to 1pm 2pm to 7.30pm
Wednesday 10am to 1pm 2pm to 8pm
Thursday 10am to 1pm 2pm to 7.30pm
Friday 10am to 1pm 2pm to 5pm
Saturday 10am to 1pm


Monday 10am to 1pm 2pm to 7.30pm
Tuesday 10am to 1pm 2pm to 7.30pm


Thursday 10am to 1pm 2pm to 7.30pm

10am to 5pm

Saturday 10am to 1pm