
A Walk through Pencaitland

A walk through Pencaitland - click to view the PDFPencaitland at one time had an Amenity Society which produced this leaflet on the village, describing the key buildings of note as you walk through it…

It’s not clear when the leaflet was originally produced but on reading it, it’s obvious that one or two thing have changed.

It describes a walk through the main road from East to West Pencaitland, noting buildings of interest along the way and includes a useful map for the uninitiated.

Here’s an extract:

“Pencaitland Bridge over the Tyne Water is ancient. By today’s standards it is narrow, but its builders must have been far-seeing men as few early bridges match its width. On the south side are the arms of the Sinclair family and the date 1510.

In Wester Pencaitland is the entrance to Tyneholm House a Jacobean style mansion built in 1835 by Patrick Dudgeon, designed by William Burn. Stone walls are in evidence here and the one by the new houses was four times higher before the houses were built. Pencaitland Cross may date from the 17th century. Pencaitland became a burgh of barony in 1695, but markets were held before then. Some old cottages stand here, the most interesting being the old schoolhouse with its bellcote and statue of a scholar over the door.”

We decided to scan it and save it as a PDF for posterity. You can view it here.