East Lothian Council’s transport team have almost finished making upgrades to signage coming in and out of Wester Pencaitland.
As part of the upgrade to signage there are also plans to add three sets of yellow rumble strips before reaching the newly installed 30mph signs. This gives cars and their drivers notice that they are coming to a slower section of road.
This is part of wider plans, some of which are still under discussion, to improve road safety throughout the village. The main road through Pencaitland is also due to be resurfaced, most likely later this year.
378 replies on “ELC upgrades speed signs entering Wester Pencaitland”
Hi Graeme
I’d tend to agree. I know it’s being discussed locally, as is the entrance to the village from Lempockwells Road.
Shame they left the road towards East Saltoun at 40mph. The pavement on this road is very narrow especially alongside the park and the cemetery. This road should be really be 30mph, at least until the bus turning point if not right to the bridge.