Little Men

This painful, complex, beautifully acted and inexpressibly sad drama from Ira Sachs is about something that looms large in real life, but never usually gets acknowledged in the movies in any but the vaguest way – banal, undignified embarrassment over money, and the deadly serious damage this causes.

This film is very different from the general run of ingratiating middlebrow indies that pop up on screen periodically, drenched with implausibility, sentimentality and lame bet-hedging humour. Like his previous film Love Is Strange, Sachs’s Little Men is composed with scrupulous observational intelligence and care. It is really engaging.

From Peter Bradshaw’s review in The Guardian.  You can read the full review and watch the trailer here.

Little Men(PG)
2016, US, 85 mins
Friday 24th November
Doors and Bar 7.30
Film begins at 8.00