Renewal Successful!

Renewal Success!

Dunbar Fairtrade Group applied for a further two years of Fairtrade Town Status and after a wait of six or seven weeks received the news that the application had been successful. This is a great achievement for the Dunbar Group, the Town and ultimately for the Fairtrade cause.

The application entailed creating a 2-year action plan outlining in detail what events; activities and awareness raising would be planned and completed over that time. It also involved showing evidence for all the past years accomplishments, which have to sufficiently meet the criteria of the application.

The group received the new Town Status certificate through the post only a couple of days ago with an accompanying letter (see both below) providing feedback and praise for the Town and groups achievements and efforts. Well done to all our members and supporters and the whole community for doing so much and caring about the issues.


Fairtrade is about better prices, decent working conditions, local sustainability, and fair terms of trade for farmers and workers in the developing world. (Fairtrade Foundation)



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