We will once again be holding our popular coffee morning, this time on Saturday 11 March at Dunbar Town House from 10 am to 12 noon as part of Fair-trade Fortnight 2017. Everybody is welcome. An entrance donation of £2 for adults and £1 for children is requested to cover Fairtrade tea, coffee, juice, snacks and a raffle ticket.
Dunbar Sings will make an appearance at 11 am, after which the raffle will be drawn. There will be a stall with a selection of Fairtrade products.
Some pupils from Dunbar Primary School will be entering a competition to design posters for the coffee morning. The Fairtrade Group’s giant banner calling on people to ‘Buy Fairtrade in Fairtrade Fortnight’ will be displayed in the High Street, and the Crunchy Carrot grocery store will mount a display of Fairtrade goods.
Nigel Bird of Dunbar Fairtrade Group says: ‘Fairtrade Fortnight reminds us that by buying Fairtrade, we can help to improve the lives of people who produce many products we rely on. Through Fairtrade, producers get a fair and stable price, while we get high quality products. From luxuries like wine, chocolate and flowers, to basics like bananas, tea and sugar, we have many opportunities to buy Fairtrade and make a contribution.’
We hope you will join us!