11th March 2017 Fair-trade Coffee Morning

We will once again be holding our popular coffee morning, this time on Saturday 11 March at Dunbar Town House from 10 am to 12 noon as part of Fair-trade Fortnight 2017. Everybody is welcome. An entrance donation of £2 for adults and £1 for children is requested to cover Fairtrade tea, coffee, juice, snacks and a raffle ticket.

Dunbar Sings will make an appearance at 11 am, after which the raffle will be drawn. There will be a stall with a selection of Fairtrade products.

Some pupils from Dunbar Primary School will be entering a competition to design posters for the coffee morning. The Fairtrade Group’s giant banner calling on people to ‘Buy Fairtrade in Fairtrade Fortnight’ will be displayed in the High Street, and the Crunchy Carrot grocery store will mount a display of Fairtrade goods.

Nigel Bird of Dunbar Fairtrade Group says: ‘Fairtrade Fortnight reminds us that by buying Fairtrade, we can help to improve the lives of people who produce many products we rely on. Through Fairtrade, producers get a fair and stable price, while we get high quality products. From luxuries like wine, chocolate and flowers, to basics like bananas, tea and sugar, we have many opportunities to buy Fairtrade and make a contribution.’

We hope you will join us!

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Fairtrade Fortnight Coffee Morning

Ruby Fisher with her posterRuby Fisher, aged 7, one of the winners of Dunbar Primary P3’s poster competition for Fairtrade Fortnight. She is pictured with her poster at Dunbar Fairtrade Group’s coffee morning at Dunbar Town House on Saturday 5 March.

Nigel Bird of Dunbar Fairtrade Group said: “We are delighted to report that our Fairtrade Fortnight coffee morning was once again a great success. More than 70 people attended, along with members of Dunbar Sings, who gave us some stirring songs. We had a wonderful array of home-baking and raffle prizes, contributed by the Co-op, Crunchy Carrot, Dunbar Community Bakery, Tippecanoe and Flux, as well as individual donors. The winning posters from Dunbar Primary P3’s poster competition were displayed on the wall, and our Fairtrade stall did good business.

“We would like to thank all those who contributed to making it such a cheerful occasion, and wish everybody ‘Happy Fairtrade shopping!’ for the coming year.”

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Coffee Morning for Fairtrade Fortnight

IMG_1434Dunbar Fairtrade Group will be holding its popular annual coffee morning on Saturday 5 March to celebrate Fairtrade Fortnight. It will take place at Dunbar Town House from 10 am to 12 noon. An entrance donation is requested of £2 for adults and £1 for children. This will cover Fairtrade coffee, tea, juice and snacks, as well as a raffle ticket.

Nigel Bird of Dunbar Fairtrade Group said: “Our coffee morning is always a relaxed and happy affair, and everyone is welcome. We are delighted to announce that Dunbar Sings will be making an appearance at 11 am, after which the raffle will be drawn. There will also be a stall with a selection of Fairtrade products.”

Fairtrade Fortnight runs from 29 February to 13 March, and the Dunbar Fairtrade Town banner will be displayed outside Lauderdale House at the end of the High Street throughout. The Crunchy Carrot will mount a display of Fairtrade goods.

Nigel Bird said: “There are lots of high quality Fairtrade products on sale in East Lothian, including in the supermarkets. These range from the basics such as tea, coffee, sugar, chocolate and bananas, to clothing and wine.

“Fairtrade producers receive a fair and stable price, and also a Fairtrade premium, which they can invest in their communities. Farm workers have the right to decent wages and to join trade unions. By buying Fairtrade, we can help around 1.5 million people improve their lives.”

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Sparkling Dunbar

IMG_1003The Fairtrade Group ran a stall at a bright but breezy Sparkling Dunbar harbour festival on 29 August, sharing a table with the Community Woodland Group. Fairtrade juice was the most popular item. The high wind meant we could not display any leaflets. Our presence was much appreciated by the festival IMG_0999organisers.

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Fairtrade status renewed!

Dunbar’s status as a Fairtrade Town has just been renewed for a further two years by the Fairtrade Foundation.

Confirming the renewal, the Foundation wrote to the Dunbar Fairtrade Group: “It is clear that a lot of time and energy has been put in to make Fairtrade a part of the community, so we would like to pass on our congratulations and say thank you to everyone who has been involved. We were particularly impressed with your webpage, which is a great way to share your news and celebrate the events you have been holding. We were pleased to see all the photos of these events and to read that they have been supported by your local councillors, MP and MSP.”

Nigel Bird of Dunbar Fairtrade Group said: “We are delighted that our Fairtrade Town status has been renewed, and would like to thank all our supporters for making this possible. We are now planning to encourage Dunbar’s employers, large and small, to use Fairtrade products on a daily basis. A wide variety of products from food and drink to clothing can be found online through the National Fairtrade Purchasing Guide.

“We would also like to make links with our neighbouring Fairtrade Town, North Berwick. We will continue to run stalls at some events, and we will be back with our popular coffee morning in Fairtrade Fortnight next spring.”

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Civic Week

Dunbar Fairtrade Group participated in the Civic Week Parade and Fun Day on 13 June for the first time. Our new banner made an appearance at the parade, and we then ran a Fairtrade stall at the Fun Day in Lauderdale Park. The stall did good business, despite the unseasonably cold weather. The Civic Week organisers expressed appreciation that we had joined in.


The whole community  celebrated a grand Civic week parade and also support and pride that Dunbar is a Fair-trade Town.IMG_1475

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Fairtrade tasters..

To mark Fairtrade Fortnight, the Co-operative held a special promotion at their Dunbar High Street shop. The photo shows Allison Cosgrove, a volunteer with the Co-op’s Lothian and Borders Committee, and Co-op membership officer Liz Armstrong encouraging customers to sample Fairtrade goods. The Co-operative was the first major retailer to champion Fairtrade, pioneering the sale of fairly traded goods before the FAIRTRADE Mark was even introduced.


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Coffee morning a success…

The Dunbar Fairtrade Group would like to thank everyone who helped to make our Fairtrade Fortnight coffee morning a big success. More than 70 people came along, including many children, creating a busy and cheery atmosphere. Donors of food and raffle prizes included the Community Bakery, the Co-operative, the Crunchy Carrot, Tippecanoe and many other kind individuals.

The beneficial effect of Fairtrade on the lives of producers is highlighted in a moving short film just released by the Fairtrade Foundation, called Fairtrade Matters. It is available online and on DVD, at www.fairtrade.org.uk. It shows how the hard lives of tea producers are improved by the extra income gained through Fairtrade, and through the Fairtrade Premium, which allows communities to invest in facilities such as an ambulance and a maternity clinic.

Thanks to one and all for making it such a lovely event.


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Fairtrade Poster competition

Here are the winners of the primary school Fairtrade poster competition. The posters will be on display at the coffee morning for all to enjoy.

Hope to see you there!


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Enjoy a Fairtrade treat…

The Crunchy Carrot has a whole variety of Fairtrade items to check out… and have a wee display of some of them in the front shop, along with some leaflets and information about the Fairtrade foundation. So why not pop in and take a look?


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