Author Archives: jo

Fairtrade Talk at St Anne’s Church, Dunbar

Sunday 14th December 2014  On the evening of Sunday 14th December, Louise gave a talk on Fairtrade at St Anne’s Church, to a small but engaged group of people (six in total.) She writes: “1 started by describing the work … Continue reading

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Community Council grant for new Fairtrade banners

At its meeting in November, Dunbar Community Council unanimously agreed to award the Fairtrade Group £168 to pay for our two new banners. The small ‘table’ banner has already been in action at our stall at the Christmas Lights fair. … Continue reading

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Fairtrade Stall at the Christmas Lights Fair

The Fairtrade Group held a successful stall at the Christmas Lights Fair on Sunday 16 November. The stall was well supplied with an attractive selection of Fairtrade goods, and despite being tucked away in St Anne’s Church, we did good … Continue reading

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New banner!

Dunbar Fairtrade Group are the proud owners of a new banner in the Fairtrade colours and featuring the Fairtrade Town symbol. The banner will make its first appearance decorating the group’s stall at the Dunbar Christmas Lights Fair on Sunday … Continue reading

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Wide community support for Fairtrade cause

Hi to all, below is a list compiled over the past couple of years, by the Fairtrade group, with help from pupils and teachers from Dunbar Primary School as well as many others, who took questionnaires out into the community … Continue reading

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Civic week

Hello to all, Civic week got off to a wonderful start, the weather was kind and there was a great gathering for the saturday parade and race and there are so many events throughout the week for all to enjoy. … Continue reading

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Discover Dunbar Leaflet

The new leaflet promoting Dunbar to visitors near and far now has a Fairtrade symbol inside it. This is great, and lets everyone know we are a Fairtrade Town. The leaflet is published by the Dunbar Traders Association, which helps … Continue reading

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Fairtrade Coffee Morning

The Fairtrade coffee morning held on saturday 1st march was a great success. Attended by 90-100 people. Lots of lovely cakes, fresh coffee and tea, Fairtrade biscuits and juices were available for all. The local choir Dunbar sings, entertained us … Continue reading

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A Fair Assembly

Dunbar Primary school held a Fairtrade assembly, to mark Fairtrade Fortnight. A member of the Fairtrade Foundation visited the school and gave a talk to the school about Fairtrade issues. There was also a presentation of prizes for the winners … Continue reading

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Fairtrade Fortnight

Hello everyone, Fairtrade Fortnight begins on Monday 24th Feb-9th March and the Dunbar Fairtrade group will be welcoming one and all to our coffee morning on sat 1st march at the Townhouse 10-12. So do come along for drinks,sweet nibbles, … Continue reading

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