Fairtrade Talk at St Anne’s Church, Dunbar

Sunday 14th December 2014

 On the evening of Sunday 14th December, Louise gave a talk on Fairtrade at St Anne’s Church, to a small but engaged group of people (six in total.) She writes:

“1 started by describing the work done by the Fairtrade Foundation / Fairtrade International, mentioning the wide range of products sold, and showing a map of Fairtrade producers.

” I talked in some detail about the Fairtrade Premium, and what this means for communities, where the Premium is invested in a wide variety of local projects. I rounded off by talking briefly through the history of Dunbar and District Fairtrade Partnership, and outlining the variety of ways in which people could become involved.

“At the end of the talk I handed round the Fairtrade leaflets, and answered questions. The questions, and the discussion that followed, indicated that the people were genuinely interested in the subject; which was borne out by comments received by email thereafter.”

The organiser of the talk, Zoe, wrote to Louise:

“Thank you so much for the talk – I have had great feedback from those who were there. I have also had further conversation with the Rector about how we pursue being a Fair Trade Church and we will be moving on that in the New Year.

“The leaflets have been put out for people to take and we will encourage them to get engaged.”

The evening concluded in the sharing of Fairtrade wine and juice, with cake and nibbles.

Notes used during the talk have been placed on file.

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