Category Archives: A1 Bridge

A1 Bridge Steering Group Inaugural Meeting

A meeting between East Lothian Council, Transport Scotland, Sustrans and Sustaining Dunbar was held last night to discuss how best to progress a connecting path from Innerwick to Dunbar and the coast. A bridge over the A1 at the Innerwick … Continue reading

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Bridge Design Specification

The next stage in our campaign to improve pedestrian and cycle access to Dunbar from the south will be to produce a ‘Bridge Design Specification’ for a crossing of the A1, which is likely to be a significant expense, but … Continue reading

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Transport Scotland expresses support

In a letter to East Lothian Council dated 13th January, Transport Scotland expresses support for the improvement of cycle and walking routes in the Dunbar area. They state they are not in a position to contribute funding but offer technical … Continue reading

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Prioritising paths for improvement

Andrea Partridge, from P4 Projects in Fife has recently been commissioned by East Lothian Council to carry out a feasibility study on the upgrading of a number of paths in the county. There will be a particular focus on: Pencaitland … Continue reading

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Meeting with ELC

Sustaining Dunbar met with East Lothian Council last month to take a closer look at the options for upgrading the N76, the main cycle route South from Dunbar, and creating a pedestrian/cycle bridge over the A1. The discussions were positive, … Continue reading

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Feasibility of Improving Access to Dunbar without a Car

Crispin Hayes, the consultant commissioned by Sustaining Dunbar to look into the of practicalities building a walking/cycling path between the Lammermuir villages and Dunbar presented the results to East Lammermuir Community Council (ELCC) last week. The feeling from ELCC was … Continue reading

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Connecting to long-distance routes (N76)

While high quality local cycle paths are crucial to connect the villages to Dunbar, it will also be important to link with the (existing) long-distance national cycle route N76 which connects Berwick-upon-Tweed with Edinburgh, crossing the A1 at Dunglass (via … Continue reading

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Initial thoughts on connecting Dunbar to Spott, Innerwick and beyond

The barriers of the A1 and the railwayline have always made this seem like an ambitious project (and expensive) but recently the Commonwealth Legacy Fund was announced which may help to make this a reality. There are also other options … Continue reading

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