Since January, Sustaining Dunbar has been looking at options for attracting funding to create a safe walking/cycle route between Dunbar and the surrounding villages. We appointed a contractor, Crispin Hayes, who has researched viable routes and started negotiations with landowners. Crispin and I presented these results to East Lammermuir Community Council (ELCC) at their meeting in June.
Since the report was produced, further discussions have uncovered reluctance on the part of the landowners to take this further at 2 key points on what was starting to look like the preferred route: Dunbar – Broxburn – Pinkertons – Innerwick. Also, the preference expressed by the Community Council for a tarmac path would double the estimated cost.
As a result, we now intend to look more seriously at one of the other options – a pedestrian/cycle bridge over the A1 at a point near the Innerwick road end. We hope to have an outline cost estimate and feasibility study to take forward by the end of the summer.
The bridge option has several drawbacks over the less ambitious earlier plans:
- it is likely to be much more expensive
- it would require upgrading to N76 (the path which runs behind Lafarge to Dunbar) and other linking paths
- it would not benefit local communities to the same extent e.g. no Pinkertons to Innerwick path for school children
On the other hand:
- It would be a very visible presence promoting cycling to everyone who passes under it on the A1
- It would be part of the National Cycle Network and as such will possibly benefit more people
- It would provide a safe direct link for cyclists in Innerwick to employment in Dunbar, Lafarge, Viridor and Torness
- It would require negotiation with fewer landowers as most of the route is already in place
- It would not require cyclists/pedestrians to follow the A1 corridor for so much of their journey, resulting in a more pleasant recreational route perhaps.