Sustaining Dunbar met with East Lothian Council last month to take a closer look at the options for upgrading the N76, the main cycle route South from Dunbar, and creating a pedestrian/cycle bridge over the A1. The discussions were positive, with ELC giving their backing for the project and agreeing to support it where they can.
The route has been divided into sections which may be progressed separately depending on budgets and priorities.
- Section A: Dunbar to Broxburn – By designating the pavement as shared use, and widening it where necessary, this section will be relatively straightforward to implement
- Section B: Broxburn to the roundabout at Oxwellmains – Again, a route can be devised by using the pavement for much of the way, but various additional works such as raising a bridge parapet will be necessary
- Section C: Oxwellmains roundabout to Lafarge car park – Some sections need resurfacing, particularly the section through/past the Lafarge car park, and vegetation needs to be cut back
- Section D: Lafarge to Torness Road – Arguably the section of the path in the poorest condition. This needs to be re-surfacd along the whole route.
- Section E: The Bridge – We require a detailed Bridge Design Report for this before taking it further, which will need advice from a range of engineers, and the involvement of Transport Scotland, the government body responsible for the A1 corridor.
The next stage will be to approach the various funding bodies for their advice and put together a detailed programme of works.
Further positive news:
While investigating the alternative route through Brandsmill we noticed that the culvert screens (which are supposed to prevent the underpass from flooding so often) were damaged. We alerted Transport Scotland who is responsible for these, and they have agreed to repair them. Even although we are no longer pursuing this option as a cycle path from Dunbar to Innerwick, it is nevertheless a popular walking route and this will benefit local people.