Sea Cadets Visit


Did you know that a wonky valve can cause a flat tyre! When fixing a flat, make sure the valve points straight to the center of the wheel. If your valve stem is wonky just deflate and move it.
If you are wondering “why would a wonky valve stem make a tyre flat?” here is the techy bit. If it is at a non-perpendicular angle, the valve stem is pinched against the rim on one side. This unnecessarily puts mechanical stress on the stem at that point. So if you go over a bump, you’re more likely to cause that pinch to turn into a hole, causing a flat.

Tuesday 2nd of October – Dr Mark and I met the Sea Cadets. Dr Mark was busy demonstrating to one group how to safety check bikes and my group was busy fixing my daughters flat tyre!

Yes of course we had planned to show them how to fix a flat. I wasn’t just tricking them to do it for me, honest. It was better to have a real flat to work on. The cadets really got into it. Trying to solve the problem as a team…the culprit, a nasty piece of glass.

The Sea Cadets were competent mechanics and quick learners. Not afraid to get their hands dirty they found the hole in the inner tube and fixed it properly with the valve pointing to the center of the wheel. It was no surprise that they were good with their hands, as I was later informed that they have been stripping a marine engine down and rebuilding it as part of their training. Looking after bikes, or pedalos come to think of it, should be no problem for the Sea Cadets.

I have had two more flats this week! Is there a cycle fairy out there. If so, can you please clean up all the broken glass on the cycle paths and dump it on the delinquents driveways.

Happy cycling – Dr Dan

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More Brownies – 2nd Dunbar

Doctors Dan and Mark welcomed 24 Brownies to the Primary School John Muir Campus playground on Wed 3rd Oct. The evening was bright and the obvious enthusiasm of the assembled cyclist meant a spontaneous decision to go on a short ride. Thirty cyclists headed to Lochend woods.  They loved it. We’re so lucky having safe cycling from the school.

When we returned we covered nearly all of their Brownie cyclist badge including; a basic bike check (only one brownies’ bike needed her back brakes serviced) and some riding skills. They were, without exception, impressive, (even Melissa on her tiny bike) especially after their extended warm up.

We look forward to seeing their badges in the near future. I recommended they came along to the Bike Parade at Bike Fest, during civic week (June 23rd 2013) for another taste of a group ride.

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