The amount of food that you put into your wormery will depend on a number of factors. How well established your wormery is, how many worms are in your wormery, the time of year and temperature, the type of food etc. You will soon be able to tell if you are adding too much food for the worms to cope with as there will be remains from their last feed after a week or even ten days.
If the worms are fed regularly then the population will increase as they respond to amounts of food and space that is available to them.
A shallow trench should be made in the bedding to take the food which can then be covered over. This allows the worms to access the food from above as well as below. The food should be moist before being added so mix with water if necessary.
Not all waste foods are suitable so pay attention to what is added. Generally, fatty, oily and dairy foods are to be avoided.
Feed small quantities on a regular basis. This allows the worms to clean up the last helping before more is added and avoids the bed turning sour or becoming overheated.
Feed the worms:
• Fruit and vegetable peelings
• Crushed eggshells
• Coffee grounds and paper filters
• Tea bags
• Garden waste like grass clippings and leaves (in small amounts)
• Shredded paper waste
Do not feed the worms:
• Meat, fish and bones
• Citrus fruit peel
• Garlic and onion
• Dairy products
• Greasy foods