Feel free to use this experimental mapping tool to add your thoughts and improve your local place plan (Ward 6 is or main area of interest). If you need your data exported to prepare a final submission, do get in…
Author: Lets make East Lothian Wilder
Watching the development of LDP2
Thinking Allowed
Never before has it been quite so important to think the unthinkable. With unprecedented pressures on land resources, we need a saner plan for protecting nature. Whilst the planning system is designed mainly to guide development, not stop it, there’s…
Protecting the landscape
From Issues that will affect East Lothian in the next 10-15 years Landscape, Green Belt and Countryside around Towns East Lothian has an attractive landscape which is protected by a number of designations. Green Belt This can currently be found…
Strengthening green networks
From Issues that will affect East Lothian in the next 10-15 years Nature and living Countryside One of the most direct ways that society can address the nature crisis is by protecting habitats and species and expanding these areas in…
Protecting Nature
From Issues that will affect East Lothian in the next 10-15 years Protecting the Natural Environment Improvements to biodiversity is one of the more obvious ways to address the nature crisis. Planning policy has long protected designated sites and protected…
From Issues that will affect East Lothian in the next 10-15 years Where are we in the process? Right at the beginning. Evidence Report The stage we are at just now. This consultation is part of the development of this…