Dunbar – Local Place Plan

These are working maps for the Local Place Plan. They look great full screen. Right click on the Open in Felt to view in a new tab. The online maps should reflect the latest changes, using Felt automagic. Errors and omissions are my own. Comments are welcome.

Location map

The location map is created using community council areas, which are administrative boundaries.

LDP 18-24 Basemap showing Housing

LDP18-24 housing proposals are sill not entirely built out, with declining scope for expansion. It shows the Golf Club development, which was not part of LDP18-24.

Farmland, Woodlands and shelterbelt, shrinking openspace and excellent sports facilities

A collection of data sources is used to create this map and shows how little farmland and open spaces are left in Dunbar, with potential to strengthen woodland network connectivity

Cycle Friendly Routes

Existing Cycle friendly routes extracted from multiple sources, show foundations for a good network exist, but remain disconnected

Connecting Dunbar Proposals

This is the Sustaining Dunbar project, funded by Sustrans which is looking at creating multi-user routes to better connect the town for active travellers

Nature and geodiversity

Only a subset of the available datasets that describe the local bio and geodiversity are shown above. The area is relatively rich, but a lot of the resources are in poor condition or under pressure from industry and increasing levels of use.

Sports and Playparks

This map is derived from Open Street Map and shows the spread and wealth of facilities in the locality dedicated for formal sports as well as informal semi structured play for young people.

Transport & accessibility

The map includes the Travel Hub proposal. Other data for this map are derived from limited local research and Open Street Map, which can be queried selectively to identify infrastructure inlcuing street furniture, traffic calming measures

Walkable West Barns and Dunbar

The walkability maps are creating using Travel Time open API tool, which can be used to create walk, cycle, bus or vehicle Journey isochrones using a clever routing model.

Quiet Roads

There are only a few designated quiet roads in East Lothian, the one that connects Hailes Castle to East Linton and another set south of Gullane. This is a low cost measure, which would benefit residents and enhance sustainable tourism.

Health & Wellbeing

Openspace Audit 08

While this data set is dated, and not complete, it gives a reasonable picture of the variety of Open Spaces that are recorded as part of an LDP exercise. Some multifunctional spaces are more sustainable than others and relevant to Health and Wellbeing as well as Tourism.

Tourism & Economy

The Tourism and Economy map shows areas from LDP18-24, designated Town Centres, and a wide range of Tourism operators. Can be useful to see these alongside the Heritage map and Bio and Geodiversity Maps, important drivers of sustainable tourism enterprises


Climate Change

The Climate Change Map can show areas that might naturally store carbon, help manage the so-called “nature crisis”, identify areas for managed retreat …

Temporary placeholder page for the working maps for LPP Editors Only.

any errors and omissions: philip@projectspoint.co.uk