
West Barns and Belhaven 1973 and 1946 - the countryside has shrunk and the settlements begin to coalesce

From Issues that will affect East Lothian in the next 10-15 years

Where are we in the process?

Right at the beginning.

Evidence Report

The stage we are at just now. This consultation is part of the development of this document. The final Evidence Report will set out the information we will use to produce the next stage of the Plan and highlight the key issues that the Plan will need to address. (Winter 2023/24).


This is a check by an independent Reporter to decide whether we have enough and the right information to produce the Plan, (Spring 2024).

Draft Proposed Plan

At this stage a Plan is produce that includes maps where new development should go and areas that require protection from development. A policy framework is also provided that will be used to determine planning applications. This Plan will be subject to public consultation, (Winter 2024/25).


An independent Reporter considers the draft LDP and whether any changes should be made based on the comments of the public and other interested organisations, (Spring 2025)

Final Plan (Delivery)

The plan is adopted by the Council and along with the National Planning Framework form the development plan. Together these documents will be used to make planning decisions, (Spring 2026).

Categorised as Updates

By Lets make East Lothian Wilder

Watching the development of LDP2