Its time!

Its time to get planting this seasons crop.  If you are finding it hard to find the time to just sit down and plan your garden – your not alone.  However, nothing like a tight deadline and the time is now. If you woould like to meet and get some help to get you started to plan your edible garden – let us know and we can organise another short session to:

  • Give you the time and space to map your existing garden;
  • Map what has worked well for you over the years and what hasn’t worked well;
  • Share ideas with other people living in the area;
  • Plan this seasons crop of edible plants;
  • Learn about composting and how worms work, and
  • If you dont have a garden we can try and help you find some growing ground;

Email: sue@sustainingdunbar

Finding and Securing Land for Community Growing

Finding and Securing Land for Community Growing training, Edinburgh, 29 March 2012

Are you experiencing difficulties in trying to find and secure land for your community growing project? Are you facing obstacles in the planning system and uphill battles negotiating with landowners and agreeing on the terms of your lease? Our training session seeks to draw on the experiences of planning, legal and land specialists to advice on these issues. The training will be participative and will draw on real life issues and experiences of the participants, using case studies and examples of good practice.

For details and to book, please go to