Belhaven Community Garden April 2015 update


Belhaven Hospital Community Garden is flourishing

Work parties will continue every  Tuesday, Friday from 10-12 and Sunday 10:30 – 12:30 through the spring and summer months.  Volunteers of all ages and abilities are welcome. Please contact about how to get involved.

Community Involvement – We currently have a membership of 36 people.

BCG has recently received another bench, bird feeder and apple tree donated in memory of families and friends loved ones.

BCG has representation on the Belhaven Hospital League of Friends.

BCG has representation of the NHS Lothian’s Steering Group

We have 6 families (so far and can accommodate more) involved in their own seasonal plots as well as assisting in the communal gardens.

Dunbar Bee Keepers have a hive and Bee School at BCG.

Sensory Garden: is looking lovely and in full bloom just now and definitely worth a visit.

It could use a nice bird bath donated

Simple yet beautiful art works are envisaged in the Sensory Garden – ideas and donations welcome.

Willow Patches: We have a second willow patch being established​ – total  of 80 willow planted.​ We now have 2 willow arbours.

Raised Beds:  It is possible for people with mobility issues to access a raised bed if they wish a growing patch for this season.

Nut Trees – wintered well​
6 Walnuts planted

6+ Cob nuts planted

60+ Hazelnuts planted

Orchard – wintered well​
The 150+ fruit trees

Wild flower Meadow

We will encourage wild flowers at top of the field as well as lower garden section.


We now have water irrigation with timer to go into poly tunnel.


Next rainy work day we will reorganise the tools and produce.

We will now be signing for all tools – a book will be left in the Garage.

Fruit Cage

It was suggested that a fruit cage would be great to have at BCG.


Fruit Tree Pruning Workshop

_47421219_apples_landward_512288Sign up now to learn how to prune fruit trees from a very experienced apple tree man – Andrew Lear.  Andrew puts 30 years of horticultural practice into his teaching and advising orchard groups and owners throughout Scotland, and propagating our heritage varieties of fruit. This all day workshop is free for Belhaven Community Garden Members and £20. for non members. It is free to become a Belhaven Community Garden Member. For more information contact: