Dear members of the Dunbar community liaison group

Published Categorised as Updates

Thank you to those who attended the recent community meeting at the Dunbar Town House.

Fire investigation report

For those who were unable to attend the meeting, Valencia Waste Management has now submitted its incident investigation report to SEPA, Scotland’s environmental regulator. At the meeting, an action was taken to contact the East Lothian Fire Service to answer a number of questions about their response to the incident, and SEPA confirmed they would keep the community updated on the outcome of their investigation.

Update on discharge of planning condition

As part of Valencia’s commitment to engage with the community around the site we wanted to take this opportunity to update you on a recent submission made to East Lothian Council. As part of the planning permission for the landfill site, Valencia was obliged to submit a series of documents confirming the final landform contours (the shape of the landfill upon completion of operations) for the planning authority to hold on record. There were no changes from the original permission, but there was the requirement for a formal submission to be uploaded onto the planning portal.

Next community meeting

At the meeting Valencia confirmed that the Dunbar Landfill Community Liaison Group would be reformed, with the next meeting occurring on 31st January 204, at the Dunbar Town House – 19.00-20.30. We will share an agenda ahead of the meeting. Should you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Kind regards

Sent on behalf of the Valencia Dunbar team

By whatawaste

is curious about the environment and the waste we throw into it ...