The Social Network

How good is The Social Network? Well, it’s only my opinion, but it’s very good indeed. The casting is perfect, the frailties of humanity disected and examined under a microscope very gently and even the most difficult characters have a sympathetic edge. Zippy dialogue, great structure, moving and funny.  For me, A-. Check it out.Continue readingThe Social Network

You don’t get to 500 million friends without making a few enemies

It’s a great quote, that one on the poster. Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely, a nice theme for a movie. I love social networking, in spite of all the reservations I held about it in the beginning. It’s allowed me to get to know a wide range of wonderful authors and people associated…Continue readingYou don’t get to 500 million friends without making a few enemies


Hi. So what can I tell you about Scott Pilgrim Versus The World? Not much, other than it’s our next film, coming this Friday (8pm, Hallhill, £5 for non-members, feel free to bring in a drink from the bar…).  That and the starring role is taken by Michael Cera.  Mr Cera made a great impression…Continue readingSCOTT PILGRIM VERSUS THE WORLD


Last night at the Film Society, we weren’t able to collect reviews of the film.  To me, it felt like there was a real buzz in the room. Should you wish to let us know how you thought it was, comment here and leave a score from 1 to 10. Thanks.Continue readingWHITE HOT

The Road I watched The Road about a month ago, mainly because I forgot to scrub it from my Love Film list when it was chosen for this year’s programme. It’s a post-apocalyptic tale and we therefore is not all sweetness and light.  The group choosing went for it in the end because it seems like…Continue readingThe Road

Made in Dagenham This Saturday is International Women’s Day I think. To celebrate, there’ll be an evening of entertainment set up for you on Saturday night in Dunbar at the Church Hall. I don’t have a flier, so I’m going to be sketchy for now. Pencil it in your diaries, though. I hear it was a toss…Continue readingMade in Dagenham

Everlasting Moments

sad for me that i couldn’t make the opening film, though i had a wonderful time at my friend’s 40th.  Everlasting Moments not only pulled in the punters, it scored a massive 8.3 average on the feedback forms (thanks Paul). the bar might be high, but there’ll be films to top that, i reckon. nicely done.Continue readingEverlasting Moments

Everlasting Moments Lots to celebrate in Dunbar this week.  One of the things is our first film of 2011.  It’s a Swedish number called Everlasting Moments.  Follow the link and you’ll find some very good reasons for turning up. 8pm Hallhill, Friday 28th JanuaryContinue readingEverlasting Moments

Lars and the Real Girl

Gadzooks!  Is that the time. Really?  The week of Lars and the Real Girl?  8pm at Hallhill for a fabulous evening? Tell your friends, your pets and your distant relatives to get on down (the water’s fine).Continue readingLars and the Real Girl


Dunbar Film Society Would you Adam and Eve it folks, we have hot news to announce. There is to be a showing of TOY STORY 3 (no less) in Dunbar Parish Church Hall on 13th Nov @ 3.15 pm. Amazing. More details to follow. It will be a joint event run by Pix In The…Continue readingTOY STORY 3