Next Fairtrade Meeting

Hi to all our supporters

time to catch up with another Fairtrade meeting, with the wonderful success of our Fairtrade coffee morning to inspire us while we think about future plans.
The next meeting date is,
Tuesday 16th April
Begreen office 7pm
west port
Do put it in your diary and come along and join us, the Fairtrade group needs your support.

Convenor Post

As you all know, in November 2012 I gave my notice as convenor of the Fairtrade Group, with affect from April 2013.

I am more than happy to overlap with the new convenor to assist in the transition and help get them ‘up to speed’.

Dunbar will have been a Fairtrade Town for a whole year by August 2013, which is a great achievement.

To maintain this status the group must apply again at the end of the first year to be hopefully awarded a further two years.I am happy to assist the group in forming and sending this application as it will need to be completed and sent by june 2013. This however will be my final task as convenor, but it will mean that the new convenor will not have to tackle this whilst newly in post.

I’ve really enjoyed my time as convenor, it will be almost two years by then, how time flies! I’m very proud of the group’s achievements, but due to other commitments I must hand over the baton. I’m sure the new convenor will find it as interesting and rewarding as I have. All those interested in taking over as the new convenor please come along to the next meeting or email me directly and i can answer questions or organise to have a chat about it.

Some items for discussion at next meeting;

1) Discuss/nominate new chair

2) look over the re-application forms to see what we need to do before I can produce the necessary documents and evidence etc to send in. This will involve planning our goals and aims for the next year i.e. events/audits/promoting Fairtrade via stalls etc…

3) I think the group also needs to discuss wether we think having a treasurer person separate from chair is now appropriate, as time goes by there are more receipts / money and grant applications to deal with, which are separate duties to convening ideally.

4) Allison Cosgrove has sent me forms to apply for civic fund money for town signs, they are not too complicated but will involve some work to complete, again the group should look over them to ascertain what’s needed to fill them in or if indeed we feel in a position to apply at this time.

Best as aye
Jo Gibson
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