Public Transport Information

The services below should help you plan your journey:

Googlemaps for excellent public transport directions – an easy-to-use list of all bus and train options for getting from one point to another, together with journey times. Or zoom in to a particular bus stop to get a list of all the bus services that stop there.

TravelineScotland for public transport information (0871 200 22 33)  Just enter your destination to find out how to get there by public transport. The data is supplied by transport operators and local authorities, and can be be accessed online, by telephone or via texting. Use it to get hold of any scheduled bus timetable

Transport Direct (for how to get there by any means) This website contains more detailed information than Traveline, but can only be accessed online. The public transport data is taken from Traveline, but it also covers cars and bikes too. It has a useful feature allowing you to search for the cheapest train fares.

National Rail Enquires (08457 48 49 50) has all train information in the UK including a Live Arrivals and Departures board for Dunbar where you can check if your train’s on time from your mobile or computer.

Pocket Timetables: National Rail Enquiries have a very useful facility which allows you to create a personalised timetable between any two stations.

TrainTracker (0871 200 4950) – phone for real-time, up-to-date information from the station departure boards. Or send a text to 8 49 50 with the name of your station (e.g. “DUNBAR” or “WAVERLEY to DUNBAR”). Sent messages are charged at your usual network rate; the reply costs 25p. This simulator will show you how it works.

Bus operators in Dunbar:

  • Perryman’s – 01289 308719 – Perryman’s Buses are based in Berwick-upon-Tweed and operate the 253 service from Berwick-upon-Tweed to Edinburgh calling at Dunbar, East Linton and Haddington.
  • First SouthEast – 01324 602200 – Wholly commercial service operating throughout SouthEast Scotland. Runs the 106/X6/X8 services to Edinburgh.

Train operators in Dunbar:

International Rail Travel

Several websites will help you plan long distance journeys by train, including:

  • The Man in Seat 61 website which contains lots of useful information about trains, ferries, train routes and how to find the cheapest way to travel.
  • Loco2 makes it easy you to choose and book train travel all over the world.