Health Vision

How will we look after our health and wellbeing in a low-carbon future? What are the implications of Peak Oil for the National Health Service?

Many of the features of a more localised and resilient economy as outlined in the visions for food, energy, transport, employment and education, should bring about an enhancement in our general sense of wellbeing.

We will have a shared sense of purpose as we work together to face up to the challenges that we will be facing. We will mostly have the opportunity to work locally. There will be many opportunities for learning new skills.  More of us will be engaged in physical activity as part of our work. Walking and cycling for short journeys will be the norm. There will be increased opportunities for informal social interaction with our neighbours and through community projects and local entertainment. We will be more connected and engaged with our local environment, including the production and processing of our food. Our environment will be increasingly attractive and bio-diverse and our food will be more nutritious.  This should all lead to a general improvement in our physical and mental health.

While some specialised health facilities will still be located in Edinburgh, these will have good public transport links and most health care will be localised in our community.  There will be a local hospice, a community hospital and care home. There will be a network of registered volunteer carers and emergency helpers. All NHS facilities will be net generators of energy. Essential drugs will be produced without oil, with increasing use of locally produced herbal remedies.

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