Project Aim & Objectives


To develop a positive vision map and action plan for building a zero-carbon, locally resilient economy which is able to withstand external shocks –from the global economy, extreme weather events, disruptions to fossil fuel supplies….


  • To help us all understand the necessity of the aim
  • To involve as wide a range of the local population as possible
  • To try to understand what needs to be done to become independent of fossil fuels
  • To try to understand what needs to be done to make the local economy more resilient
  • To try to develop our understanding of what is possible
  • To try to understand what is important to people for a positive picture of the future
  • To support the positive activities which are happening now
  • To try to understand why and how our local area came to be the way it is and how it has changed over time
  • To understand what indicators we need to use to monitor and measure change – carbon emissions, ecological footprint, resilience……..
  • To meet the aim within time and budget