This title intentionally left blank

Doesn’t everyone find it slightly annoying when a post is published without a title, with limited content, and without decent meta data? Imagine a newspaper splash without a headline! A blog post without a title can look a bit naked and provides little indication of what to expect and perhaps nothing to click on! We’ve deliberately hidden the title on this page by design and to make a point, not to make your life difficult. Such errors of omission are as bad as those of commission, if you’re publishing online, messing with your search engine findability (is that a word?) not just annoying the rare person that happens to read your piece.

Still, there are plenty of reasons why your page content may be a bit blank. For example you just like it that way, perhaps it expresses how you are feeling today. As a matter of fact blank pages are not at all unusual in printed texts, but they do usually have some significance, relating e.g. to the way that a book is bound.

Such pages may serve purposes ranging from place-holding to space-filling and content separation. Sometimes, these pages carry a notice such as, “This page [is] intentionally left blank.” Such notices typically appear in printed works, such as legal documents, manuals and exam papers, in which the reader might otherwise suspect that the blank pages are due to a printing error and where missing pages might have serious consequences.

Wikipedia Intentionally blank page.

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