Hi all.
Daniel B O’Shea is doing a great thing over at http://danielboshea.wordpress.com/2011/05/07/the-tornado-relief-flash-fiction-challenge-touches-down/
He’s donating $125 to the Red Cross Tornado Relief Fund in the States because he offered $5 for every piece of Flash Fiction that was sent to him by today.
Slow on the uptake, I only found out too late. He offered to give another $5 if I could get a piece of Flash (including some rain) to him last night. Sadly my mind’s mince.
To ease my conscience, I donated the money instead. I’ve also offered to send all my profits for the sales of Dirty Old Town (And Other Stories) for the month of May to the Red Cross too. You can imagine that at 69p per sale, that’s not a huge amount, but I guess looking after the pennies…
It seems a distant charity for me to support, but my brother and his family have settled in South Carolina, so it’s actually not far from my heart at all.
So if you’ve bought already in May, thanks for the support and you know where my slice of your money has gone.
Well done Mr O’Shea.