Top Authors For Dunbar Event

It’s not often that you’ll find a lineup as good as this one outside of a book-festival. Not all at the one event. And it’s happening here in Dunbar at The Gibb Room, Dunbar Library on March 14th between 8pm and 10 pm.

As part of Scifest’s evening events, a panel of crimewriters will discuss the question, ‘HOW HAVE RECENT TECHNOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENTS CHANGED THE WORLD OF PUBLISHING?’.

I hope we’ll be discussing a number of aspects relating to this. When did the epub bubble begin to inflate? What is the role of the agent in a world where self-publishing has become well established? What has been the impact on the writer? The short novel, novella, novelette and short story seem to have made a big comeback – to what extent is this due to the ebook? How might a new writer best set off on their journey? How have the big and small publishers evolved in the past few years and have they finally caught up with the market? Is it better to self-publish or to hold out for a publishing deal? That kind of thing. If you have your own question, bring it along – there’ll be plenty of time for discussion from the floor, too.

A panel of some of Scotland’s finest crime-writers are gathering to discuss these issues.

The three guests have a range of different experiences and perspectives to offer:


Doug Johnstone (GONE AGAIN [59P] and HIT AND RUN – an Amazon #1 best-seller) has been published via the traditional route by Faber and Faber Crime.


Allan Guthrie has been published by the mainstream publishing houses (Polygon, Hard Case Crime, Barrington Stoke) as well as being self-published and setting up his own digital publishing imprint, Blasted Heath. He is among Scotland’s top experts in the field of ebooks and epublishing. His books include TWO WAY SPLIT, BYE BYE BABY (always free), KILL CLOCK,  and SLAMMER.


Ed James comes from the self-publishing route and has had a good deal of success this way with his Cullen series (GHOST IN THE MACHINE [available free here via the link], DEVIL IN THE DETAIL et al). He has a new novel out very, very soon.

I’ll be hosting and trying to keep things moving along. In all honesty, with a panel of this quality I’ll not have to do much to keep things rolling. You might want a free copy of BEAT ON THE BRAT (and other stories)  as a warm up – if you do, it’s free for this weekend only.

Tickets for the event are £4 or £2 for the unwaged and are available at the library desk or by contacting Dunbar Library 01368 866060

I hope we’ll see some of you there.


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