Job and Wealth Creation in a Low Carbon Economy
Conference March 12th 2013
12:30 Registration and buffet lunch
1:15 Welcome and Overview of the event
1:30 Presentations (10 minute each speaker) to explain and give examples about:
- What will a local, low-carbon economy look like? (Addressing Outcome 1 and 12 from the ELC SOA )
- What opportunities, particularly for local jobs and local wealth creation in East Lothian, will arise from the move to a local, low-carbon economy?
- What measures are needed to ensure that we take full advantage of these opportunities? (What barriers are inhibiting uptake of these opportunities at present and how can they be overcome?)
2:45 Facilitated Working Groups Discuss and Develop Action Plans to:
- Identify what jobs and wealth creation a low carbon economy could bring East Lothian
- Identify and plan what needs to be in place to ensure that East Lothian can take advantage of these opportunities
- Identify who will do what and by when.
- Identify relevant short term indicators for SOA Outcomes
3:45 Tea Break
4:00 Plenary Session
4:30 Closing Remarks