More nature, countryside access and safe walking areas and less underused play and sports spaces

Locally I have observed an excess of play space and and sports facilities. BOTH are underused and in oversupply. Nature spaces by contrast are squeezed to narrow margins and often disconnected that they cannot function fully ecologically, nor support the diversity and provide network connections. The numerical open space std should be revisited and adapted to account for the need for spaces for nature, which can be enjoyed very locally and without relying on the motor car. Such spaces need also to be attractive, so settings such as former landscaped gardens (Lochen estate comes to mind) are probably ideal. Walking in the countryside could be encouraged but it is hampered by lack of sane policies on motorised traffic, which assume car users always have priority and ensure pedestrians and cyclists feel unsafe. A better balance could be achieved through subtle signals in the planning policies, so as to safeguard and imrpove access to countryside around our towns.

Landscape, Countryside around Towns

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By Lets make East Lothian Wilder

Watching the development of LDP2