Dunbar’s Dark Closes

A quick search for Dunbar Closes on Google yields more information about Dunbar Close (Edinburgh) and its delightfully peaceful garden by none other than Sir Patrick Geddes, than anything about Dunbar’s intricate network of vennels or alleyways, which give access to private homes and short cuts between the High St and the backlands of Dunbar.

Not only is there not much light being shed on Dunbar’s rich history (I look forward to this changing very soon), but a good deal are also poorly lit or not lit at all.

Not all vennels need to be well-lit, as there’s enough light pollution as it is, but there’s probably a case for some discrete low level lighting in a number of them, especially where there are important connections between different parts of the town e.g. to give access to the large Co-op.

Better lighting might dissuade those that use them as a street latrine and make Dunbar accessible at night.

So, where there is a lighting fault or something else, and the council is actually responsible, you can report it easily here (like graffiti, fly tipping, broken paving slabs, or street lighting). Make sure you have an exact postcode handy and place the marker accurately (easier said than done).



