Friends of Winterfield

a local park

2016 Fun dog Show

As part of Dunbar Civic Week, Friends of Winterfield are holding a Fun Dog Show.

Friends of Winterfield Fun Dog Show registration starts at 2pm with classes starting at 2.30.

The timings of classes are approximately:

Order of Events:

14:30 Best Trick

14:45 Fancy Dress

15:00 Cutest puppy (4-18 months)

15:15 Gorgeous Girl (adult bitch – 2 to 8 years old)

15:30 Handsome Boy (adult dog/male – 2 to 8 years old)

15:45  Senior dog (8 years +)

16:00 Best in Show

Raffle and show entry proceeds go towards Friends of Winterfield administration costs

2016 AGM

Dear Friend,

You are invited to attend the AGM of Friends of Winterfield to be held on

Tuesday 3rd May at 7.30pm at

Belhaven Parish Church Hall,

Belhaven Road, Dunbar, East Lothian EH42 1NH.

We look forward to seeing you.  Please see the agenda, at the bottom of the page, and our website for a copy of last year’s minutes.  You can also get an update on what we’ve been doing over the past year.

As discussed at the last AGM, Dunbar Cricket Club has established itself fully at the park and has had some success in League games throughout last season.  The club won Viridor funding for permanent practice nets, which were installed over the summer and were used throughout the season.  The rugby pitch saw some action from Dunbar Grammar School and the park saw spectacular kite displays on Fridays during the school summer holidays

East Lothian Council new grass bank and seating was completed last summer, providing a viewing platform over the Promenade wall.  This lovely, south-facing, stone bench proved popular with visitors and locals, keen to enjoy Dunbar’s sunshine.   The pitch and putt is in use and the meadow flower beds will soon be seeded.

Unfortunately, owing to lack of time, the Committee may not run a Fun Dog Show this year.  We’d greatly appreciate assistance with the organising of this event, if not this year, then next.  We have no shortage of help on the day, but the pre-planning work needs a small project team to organise judges, prizes, insurance etc.  If you think you could take this on, please contact Sue Anderson through me.

The fate of the Pavilion hit the news this winter as East Lothian Council, based on the options document, made known its decision to demolish it this spring.  Friends of Winterfield regretfully support the Council’s recommendation based on the high cost to repair the structure and the lack of a suitable use for the building in the long term.  East Lothian Council’s recommendation was also supported by Dunbar Community Council in January of this year.

I’m considering continuing my studies into 2017.  I’ve carried on secretarial duties on an adhoc basis throughout my degree project and am looking for someone to take the position of Secretary for 2016-2017.  If you are interested then please contact Gordon Millar (863772) or myself for a chat.

Our website address is:

Our Facebook address is:

We’re always looking for new Friends of Winterfield members so please pass the word on to your friends.  New committee members will be welcome and, as ever, we want to hear your thoughts on the park now and its future direction.

If you need assistance getting into the hall, or have a question about the meeting, please call me on 01368 860166.


Esther Hughes


1 Marine Court, Marine Road, Dunbar, EH421AR



Friends of Winterfield

Annual General Meeting

To be held on Tuesday 3th May 2016 at 7.30pm at

Belhaven Parish Church Hall,

Belhaven Road, Dunbar, East Lothian EH42 1NH


  1. Chairperson’s welcome and introductions
  2. Apologies for absence
  3. Approval of Minutes of AGM held on 5th May 2015 (please refer to the website for a copy)
  4. Matters Arising
  5. Chairman’s Report
  6. Treasurer’s Report
  7. Election of office bearers and management committee:
    • Chairperson
    • Treasurer
    • Secretary
    • seven Ordinary Members
  8. Any other competent business
  9. Date of next meeting

Pavillion: Demolition Recommendation

Friends of Winterfield received a copy of the East Lothian Council options document for the Dunbar Public Park Pavilion.

The options were:

  1. Do nothing to the Pavilion – acknowledging that the structure is visibly displeasing
  2. Make the building wind and watertight, at a cost of ~£40,000, but not use the building – this would improve the visual amenity of the park but not solve the situation long-term
  3. Seek to establish a new use (subject to planning consent and restricted vehicle access) for the building with funding to repair the building and a long-term plan for maintenance.  Costs are expected to be in the region of those for a new build.  The Pavilion has been unused for >20 years and there were no current, viable suggestions at the time of writing
  4. Demolition and reinstatement of the site for recreational use

“The appraisal of the options for the Pagoda directs that the building has no viable future and should be demolished.” East Lothian Council (October, 2015)

Dunbar Community Council agreed to support the recommendation to demolish the Pavilion on 19th October 2015.

As a group we have reluctantly had to accept ELC’s recommendation to demolish the pavilion due to it deteriorating to such a poor condition. We set up as a Friends of Winterfield to improve and preserve the park as a community amenity. We are determined to play our part in turning such a negative outcome into a positive; look to the future and find new, inspiring ways of enhancing this part of the park. We will be part of the community conversation that works out what and how we do this and look forward to playing an active role. We have every hope that the Community Council and East Lothian Council will be keen to support the community in this regard

Friends of Winterfield 2015 AGM

Annual General Meeting

 To be held on Tuesday 5th May 2015 at 7.30pm at

Belhaven Parish Church Hall,

Belhaven Road, Dunbar, East Lothian EH42 1NH


  1.  Chairperson’s welcome and introductions
  2.  Apologies for absence
  3. Approval of Minutes of AGM held on 27th May 2014 (please refer to the website for a copy:
  4.  Matters Arising
  5. Chairman’s Report
  6. Treasurer’s Report
  7. Election of office bearers and management committee: Chairperson; Treasurer; Secretary; seven Ordinary Members
  8. Any other competent business
  9. Date of next meeting


East Barns Stone Bench

The stone bench nears completion at the north end of the park.  The bench is being constructed by East Lothian Council using stone gifted, last year, by Lafarge.  Friends of Winterfield wanted to make a stone feature in the park and approached Lafarge in its fiftieth year at Dunbar to ask whether they had some.  The stone came from East Barns village shortly before its demolition to facilitate the expansion of quarrying.  Having chosen some pieces, Lafarge transported the stone to Dunbar for us.

East Lothian Council have kindly incorporated some of it in a south-facing stone bench seat; built into a landscaped mound that will act as a viewing platform when complete. Turf is being cut from the former putting green (in preparation for this year’s meadow flower planting), which will cover the new mound.  A second mound and seat will be built this winter.

We would like to thank Lafarge (and particularly the Quarry Manager, Dave Hurcombe) and the East Lothian Council Amenity Services team who have put so much work into this over Spring 2015.

Here are some views of East Barns Farm in January 2014.  The buildings were demolished shortly afterwards.

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