a local park

Author: esther Page 10 of 11

£3K Funding Bid Successful!

Our bid for £3,000 from East Lothian Council’s Environmental Community Fund 2011-2012 was successful.  We applied for start-up funds for our group but more importantly funds to begin investing in the park!  We’ve approval to purchase and site two picnic benches, and a waste bin beside the tennis courts and three new dog poo bins around the park.  Lots of ideas are bouncing around for further improvements, subject to funding.  If you’re interested in having an input in this then please get in touch.

Happy New 2012

We’re hoping that this year will see the start of some things happening in the park.  Friends of Winterfield plan to get some funding to start on some of the projects closest to our hearts: benching; plants and keeping a clean environment.  We also hope to extend our membership base to enable more people to play a community role in looking after our park.  If you’ve not already joined then please contact us via our email:


Committee Minutes from 15th November 2011

2011-11-15 Minutes Friends of Winterfield

Friends of Winterfield awaits Caravan Park feasibility study but cannot support it at this point.

The proposal by Dunbar Traders to request a feasibility study into the benefits and effects of reinstating the caravan park at Winterfield were discussed in last night’s FoW committee meeting.  Cllr Paul McLennan explained that no decisions have been made but a feasibility study will look at the pros and cons of such a development and consultation with the public would follow.  At this time the FoW Committee feels that they cannot support the reintroduction of a caravan park, particularly were it to include static caravans.  We await the results of the feasibility study with interest!

15th November Committee Meeting

Still to be confirmed:  we hope to welcome Kevin Hughes our Dunbar Community Policeman to our 15th November meeting.

This follows concerns about parties, and consumption of alcohol in the Public Park and Winterfield.

We’ll also be discussing ELC’s proposal to set up a caravan park within the park and the important issue: will ELC propose static caravans or stick with their promise to keep it to visiting vans only?

Other items on the agenda:

  1. Flowers and grounds maintenance
  2. PublicParkgateway
  3. Caravan park proposal
  4. Progress with Golf Club
  5. Pagoda
  6. Rugbypitch/training
  7. Fireworks

2011-09-27 Minutes Friends of Winterfield

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