We’re in the process of making some improvements to the park.  This has been due to the hefty support of East Lothian Council.  Last year we benefited from £500 startup costs and a new bench from Dunbar Community Council, a £2996 Environmental Community Fund grant for picnic benches and bins; £5000 Civic Pride funding for new benches and planting and a vehicle gate.  We are also promised £6500 towards an adult exercise area from Fields in Trust and a further £4400 from Civic Pride towards wall repairs.  Lafarge has kindly offered us some building stone for landscaping and ELC have also generously offered some topsoil for some structural land contouring for an imaginative play area.  Later this spring we’ll be looking for other funding to top up the budget of the adult exercise area wall repairs and signage plus a possible project involving the Pavilion and its environs that we hope would provide a viewing platform and an imaginative play area