It is not a temporary cap

Published Categorised as Updates

Many were wondering, hoping that the temporary cap at the land fill would become permanent. So we asked the question.

  1. Is this a temporary cap? If not what is the timeline leading to the closure of the Dunbar landfill to all waste?
  2. Has the final contour plan with spot heights been submitted, as per the planning 2020 planning permission and can we view it?
  3. Can we see the proposed restoration plan?  

And here is what we got:

  1. The material placed on Cell 4C was for fire mitigation measures to deal with the incident. It is not a temporary cap.  Cell 8 has not been commenced yet. It is up to the Operator when they decide to close the landfill site, depending on when the void space at the landfill site has been exhausted.
  2. The height of the landfill site is under the remit of the Council.
  3. As the restoration plan is a public document you can request a copy through Access to Information, you can email the request through this email address: and I’ve attached a link to the relevant section on our website Access to Information | Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) for your information.

By whatawaste

is curious about the environment and the waste we throw into it ...