Dunbar Now A Fairtrade Town!

Hi to all

Monday afternoon I picked up post from the Fairtrade foundation and opened it with excitement hoping for good news re our application to become a Fairtrade Town…
Well I’m thrilled to say that Dunbar is now a Fairtrade Town !!!!
We recieved feedback on our application with ideas and suggestions for future developments and they commented on how dedicated a group we were.
Our next fairtrade meeting is on 3rd sep at 7pm at Begreen office, so please put it in your diary and join us as it’ll be a great opportunity to start planning our Fairtrade Town status celebration event.
I’m so thrilled all our efforts have been fruitful.Certificate to be proud of.Thanks to all the many, many helpers and supporters in the community . Above is a photo I’ve taken off our certificate just to give everyone a first look at it.
All best
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Food and Fairtrade workshops.

Great events to get along to, spread the word if you know anyone who would like to come along.

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Hello everyone, a wee update on what the group has been up to recently,
On 21st july at Dunbar lifeboat day, we had a Fairtrade information stall. Our volunteers manning it were Liz, paul, Diana and Cindy, so a big thanks to them for their help and thanks to Lesley who sorted out the booking off the stall for us. The feedback is that there was a good bit of interest and chatting with passers by, folks took leaflets and put on stickers we had to give out, so a positive experience all round. Thanks go to all the assistance from the organisers of Lifeboat day also.

Diana and Paul at Lifeboat day

Rachel, a teacher at Dunbar primary manned a fairtrade stall at the Dunbar primary school Gala day in june, which was a great success, handing out leaflets and info as well as having Fairtrade goodies like snacks and bananas for all to try A big thanks to Rachel and helpers for organising this event.
It all adds up to Dunbar and our Fairtrade group being motivated and commited to raising awareness of Fairtrade issues. Well done to all.
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Saturday 16th June is Dunbar Primary School fair at the John Muir Campus 1-4pm

Get yourself along to enjoy the fair! Amongst the many fun things to do and see there will be a wee table with information on Fairtrade issues and Dunbar Fairtrade Partnership. So to find out more or to leave your details if you want to join or help out in Dunbar’s Fairtrade group just look out for the info table.

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Fairtrade Thanksgiving service

Sue Langdale, Deacon, E.L Methodist Church

Sue led us today in a special thanksgiving service at Dunbar Methodist Church. Information about the Fairtrade Foundation and personal stories about farmers from developing countries benefiting from the Fairtrade certification were shared by several speakers. This service was part of the many events held throughout Fairtrade fortnight, to raise awareness of the issues and foundations work to inprove the working and trading conditions of poorer farmers.

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Dunbar Fairtrade coffee morning a success

The coffee morning was a great success with almost 100 people through the doors of the Townhouse, all enjoying fairtrade refreshments, information and a fairtrade raffle.The Fairtrade poster competition winners by Dunbar Primary school pupils,were on display for all to enjoy.

Raffle prize winner

Folks helped themselves to fairtrade coffee, tea, cakes and biscuits and a big box of fairtrade bananas were free to sample!

The fairtrade stall displayed a lovely variety of gifts, cards, edible treats and drinks.

The Co-op had an information area, giving out free samples and information on the Co-op’s fairtrade commitment and work.

The Dunbar community bakery brought delicious sweet and savoury goods for all to try and helped man the kitchen throughout.

All in all a busy, enjoyable and informative time.

These events will greatly help in our aim to raise awareness of fairtrade issues and our group’s goal of achieving Fairtrade status for Dunbar.

Alongside our Fairtrade group members, many other individuals, groups and businesses joined in, in supporting Fairtrade fortnight, again many thanks.

The biggest thanks however to the public who came along to see what it was all about and support the coffee morning.

Primary school poster competition winners

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Meet Fairtrade Farmers

Fairtrade Fortnight: Monday 27th February – Sunday 11th March 2012

Come and meet Divine Chocolate Farmers from Ghana

Wed 7th March 2012

 11am – 12noon at The Crunchy Carrot, Dunbar


‘Chat and Chocolate’

 Elias Mohammed will be visiting the UK during Fairtrade Fortnight

Divine Chocolate, the fair trade chocolate company owned by cocoa farmers, is once again putting together an exciting programme for Fairtrade Fortnight, which this year runs from Monday 27th February to Sunday 11th March 2012. Two cocoa farmers from Kuapa Kokoo Co-operative in Ghana will be joining Divine Chocolate on tour. Divine’s theme for this year’s tour is NNOBOA – the word Kuapa Kokoo farmers use meaning ‘working together’.


Elias Mohammed and Agnes Armah will be travelling to the UK to meet with consumers and coming to Dunbar’s Crunchy Carrot on 7th March. They will be sharing their views on Fairtrade and what it’s like to belong to a co-operative, as well as talking on life as a cocoa farmer and what owning a chocolate company actually means to them and their community. 43 year old Agnes is a cocoa farmer and owns a 10 acre farm in the Western region of Ghana. 55 year old Elias is also a cocoa farmer as well as a recorder and has been voted on to the National Executive Committee.

More details from: Jo Gibson: Crunchy Carrot: 01368 860 000

Rachel Farey (One World Shop) 0131 229 4541

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Dunbar Fairtrade Partnership – Fairtrade Fortnight 27th Feb-11th March

Dunbar’s Fairtrade group are holding several events during Fairtrade Fortnight to help raise awareness of what Fairtrade is all about and to highlight the groups aim of getting Fairtrade status for Dunbar.

The events are being supported and sponsored by many local individuals, groups and businesses and the East Lothian Council’s Fairtrade Grant scheme, all who are committed to the aims of the Fairtrade Foundation,

‘Fairtrade is about better prices, decent working conditions, local sustainability, and fair terms of trade for farmers and workers in the developing world. By requiring companies to pay sustainable prices, Fairtrade addresses the injustices of conventional trade, which traditionally discriminates against the poorest, weakest producers. It enables them to improve their position and have more control over their lives.’

Coffee Morning- 10-12am Saturday 3rd March at the Townhouse Dunbar

In the Exhibition Room, £1.50/50p for Refreshments, Fairtrade stall available, information on Fairtrade Foundation. Raffle. View Dunbar Primary School Fairtrade Poster Competition.

Children’s Fairtrade Fun Workshop 2.30-4pm Friday 9th March at John Muir Birthplace, (please ring re-booking places on 865 899).

 Thanksgiving Service 3pm Sunday 11th March at Dunbar Methodist Church

Please come and join us at one or all of our events. Learn more about the Fairtrade movement and chat to those involved in working towards Fairtrade status for Dunbar.

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Launch progress

Since the event in May to promote what Fairtrade means, display Fairtrade goodies and look at how Dunbar can get involved, there has been several meetings of people from all sections of the community working towards applying for Dunbar to become a Fairtrade Town.

More treats to eat!

Lovely selection of Fairtrade treats

The group meet regularly and are at present planning an event to be held during Fairtrade fortnight, 27th Feb – 11th March 2012.

If you would like to join the steering group and be involved in getting Dunbar Fairtrade status do join us at our next meeting on 7th Dec 7.30pm at Be Green office West Port or pop in and speak to Jo at the Crunchy Carrot shop on Dunbar high street.

Launch of Fairtrade Dunbar

Fairtrade goodies by Youth Cafe members

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Public Launch: Dunbar Fairtrade Town

There will be a public meeting on Wednesday 18th May at Hallhill Healthy Living Centre to launch an initiative to work towards achieving official Fairtrade Town status for Dunbar.

There will be various films and talks about Fairtrade, and what is already going on in this area, as well as displays of Fairtrade goods and an opportunity to sample some Fairtrade goodies.

All welcome!

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