Happy New Year

Happy new year to all our supporters,

Our first meeting of the year is happening very soon
wednesday 9th january at 7pm at the Begreen office on west port
please do come along, it will be lovely to see our supporters, so far some of the topics for the evening will be …
* planning our event for Fairtrade fortnight, the fortnight runs from 25th feb till 10th march and the idea at present is to hold an event on one of the saturdays, either the sat 2nd or sat 9th march, TBC.
* organising a list of who to distribute our new FT window stickers to – which jo will have ordered.
* handing out the last few laminated certificates to prominent public and community buildings.
* chatting about the next stage of the FT audit which is being organised by and with Dunbar primary school.
* discuss how to go about getting a Fairtrade Town sign put up.
* discussing who may wish to take over as convenor at end of march as highlighted in november when I gave my notice.
Hope to see you there
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