Dunbar Now A Fairtrade Town!

Hi to all

Monday afternoon I picked up post from the Fairtrade foundation and opened it with excitement hoping for good news re our application to become a Fairtrade Town…
Well I’m thrilled to say that Dunbar is now a Fairtrade Town !!!!
We recieved feedback on our application with ideas and suggestions for future developments and they commented on how dedicated a group we were.
Our next fairtrade meeting is on 3rd sep at 7pm at Begreen office, so please put it in your diary and join us as it’ll be a great opportunity to start planning our Fairtrade Town status celebration event.
I’m so thrilled all our efforts have been fruitful.Certificate to be proud of.Thanks to all the many, many helpers and supporters in the community . Above is a photo I’ve taken off our certificate just to give everyone a first look at it.
All best
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