Author Archives: jo

Fairtrade Thanksgiving service

Sue led us today in a special thanksgiving service at Dunbar Methodist Church. Information about the Fairtrade Foundation and personal stories about farmers from developing countries benefiting from the Fairtrade certification were shared by several speakers. This service was part … Continue reading

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Dunbar Fairtrade coffee morning a success

The coffee morning was a great success with almost 100 people through the doors of the Townhouse, all enjoying fairtrade refreshments, information and a fairtrade raffle.The Fairtrade poster competition winners by Dunbar Primary school pupils,were on display for all to … Continue reading

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Meet Fairtrade Farmers

Fairtrade Fortnight: Monday 27th February – Sunday 11th March 2012 Come and meet Divine Chocolate Farmers from Ghana Wed 7th March 2012  11am – 12noon at The Crunchy Carrot, Dunbar for ‘Chat and Chocolate’  Elias Mohammed will be visiting the … Continue reading

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Dunbar Fairtrade Partnership – Fairtrade Fortnight 27th Feb-11th March

Dunbar’s Fairtrade group are holding several events during Fairtrade Fortnight to help raise awareness of what Fairtrade is all about and to highlight the groups aim of getting Fairtrade status for Dunbar. The events are being supported and sponsored by … Continue reading

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Launch progress

Since the event in May to promote what Fairtrade means, display Fairtrade goodies and look at how Dunbar can get involved, there has been several meetings of people from all sections of the community working towards applying for Dunbar to … Continue reading

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