
Dunbar Bike Hub is a Sustaining Dunbar project. We are based in a container on the Southside of Hallhill Sports Centre. A partnership of the Ridge, SD, Dunbar Community Woodland Group and Sunny Soups, secured three years of funding from the Investing in Communities fund. The fund aims to tackle inequality and poverty reduction.

Cycling is a great way to get around Dunbar. It can be a cheap and flexible means of transport and great for mental health and fitness. Learning how to keep your bike on the road makes it more convenient and cost effective. We can teach one to one or in small workshops.

Bikes are donated and people who need a bike can choose to work on it with a qualified mechanic to make sure its in good condition.

Get in touch if you are interested in being involved. bikehub@sustainingdunbar.org

Or pop down to Hallhill to a drop in session. Currently Wed/Fri 10-13.00. Second Wed of the month until 11.30