
Dunbar Conservation Area Regeneration Scheme – Are you interested?

East Lothian Council has the opportunity to bid for regeneration funding for Dunbar. If successful, the funds would be used to establish a Conservation Area Regeneration Scheme (CARS) providing building repair grants to help improve properties in the area.

If the Council’s bid is successful, grants could be made available from 2019 for good quality external repairs and improvements to buildings within an area agreed with the external funder (Historic Environment Scotland). Typically schemes of this type allow us to offer grant aid for repairs to roofs and chimneys, rainwater goods and walls, for the refurbishment of sash and case windows and external doors, and assist us in facilitating training opportunities in traditional building and craft skills.

In the past, schemes of this type in East Lothian have offered grants of up to 70% of the cost of eligible repairs. For example, a roof repair costing £10,000 including professional fees attracts a grant of £7,000 leaving the applicant(s) to pay £3,000 for their repair project.

As part of our funding bid we would like to invite expressions of interest from the residents and owners who receive this survey.

Complete the survey

By dunbarheritage

an eye on built and natural heritage in and around dunbar