What to do with the heat survey report? Various organizations can help with improving the energy efficiency of houses.
- Home Energy Scotland – advice, support, funding
- East Lothian Council Area Based Scheme – click link to check eligibility for grants for insulation and other measures for selected neighbourhoods in Dunbar.
- BeGreen Dunbar – energy efficiency and renewables grants for Dunbar and East Linton residents
- Pebble Trust Guide to sustainable renovation (esp. relevant for retrofitting older dwellings)
- Changeworks.org – support for retrofit
- Centre for Sustainable Energy Retrofit Guide – a resource for community groups
Other information
- Optimal use of condensing boilers from the heatinghub: turn-down-the-boiler-flow-temperature
- Historic Environment Scotland’s dedicated building conservation hub: www.engineshed.scot
- Suggestions for draught proofing of doors and windows.