Events News

In Our Hands -Seeding Change

Belhaven Church Hall (EH42 1NH), 7pm, Friday 12th April 2019

Pot luck supper, Film show and Discussion

All change begins with a story and In Our Hands is the story of the farmers who, through hope, hard-graft and sheer bloody mindedness are refusing to be victims of history. This one hour documentary takes you on a journey across the fields of Britain, past the orchards of forgotten fruit and through the fields of ancient grains. The film reveals both the wisdom of the old and the innovations of the young, who are bringing back the worm to the soil, the ‘culture’  to ‘agriculture,’ and the flavour to the tomato! We stand on a brink, the swallows are departing, but the future of this land is still In Our Hands

6.30pm door open

7pm Pot-luck supper -please bring something to share

8-9.30pm Film and Discussion

All very welcome, whether a member of Sustaining Dunbar or not. Come for all or part of the evening. Free event.

By sustainingdunbar

Sustaining Dunbar is a Community Development Trust
Nota bene: this is an archive of the old website to March 2020