Events News

Sustaining Dunbar AGM 2018

Monday 4th June, 7-9pm at St. Annes Church, Westgate, Dunbar, EH42 1JL

All members are invited to attend our 2018 AGM.

The meeting will be an opportunity to meet the current Board of Directors and other members and will include an update on the past year’s activities, a financial report (see last year’s accounts here), consideration of a minor change to our constitution*, election of new Directors and a presentation and discussion about future plans. This is an opportunity for all members to have a say on our new strategy, developed as an outcome from last winter’s  ‘Talking Tomorrow’ event series; to contribute to our new, one-page vision for a sustainable, resilient Dunbar and District and to participate in a short workshop to discuss the values we should be seeking to foster as we bring this vision into being.

Everyone is welcome and non-members can join at the meeting.

We are actively seeking new Directors and volunteers who are able to help oversee the running of Sustaining Dunbar and shape our future direction and activities as a local Development Trust and charity.

If you would like to discuss what being a Director involves then please do get in touch:

Please put the date in your diary now. We look forward to seeing you there!

*We are proposing to amend our Articles of Association to spell out that membership is open to all local residents that support our aims and activities -removing the clause that gives the Board discretion to refuse a membership application. This is a clause that was inherited in the model constitution we adopted when we first set up as a development trust. There has never been any question of it being used and we want to make it totally clear that we welcome anyone who supports our aims to join us as a member. We are also taking the chance to remove reference to a membership subscription as the articles already state elsewhere that membership is free. The existing constitution can be read here: Sustaining Dunbar MemandArts and the proposed amendments here Proposed Amends to Articles of Association -AGM 2018.

By sustainingdunbar

Sustaining Dunbar is a Community Development Trust
Nota bene: this is an archive of the old website to March 2020